Movie. High magnification Z-stack of a live hiPS cell colony expressing mEGFP-tagged Sec61 beta and mTagRFP-T-tagged lamin B1. Panels show individual channels for Sec61 beta (left) and lamin B1 (middle) and the overlay of the two (right). Cells were imaged in 3D on a spinning-disk confocal microscope. Movie starts at the bottom of the cells and ends at the top. Scale bar, 5µm. Movie. Time-lapse in high magnification movie of a live hiPS cell colony expressing mEGFP-tagged Sec61 beta and mTagRFP-T-tagged lamin B1. Panels show individual channels for Sec61 beta (left) and lamin B1 (middle) and the overlay of the two (right). A single, mid-level plane was imaged on a spinning-disk confocal microscope every 5 min. Movie plays at 3000x real time. Scale bar, 5 µm. Movie. Time-lapse in low magnification movie of a live hiPS cell colony expressing mEGFP-tagged Sec61 beta and mTagRFP-T-tagged lamin B1. Panels show individual channels for Sec61 beta (left) and lamin B1 (middle) and the overlay of the two (right). Cells were imaged in 3D on a spinning-disk confocal microscope every 5 min. A single mid-level z-section is shown. Movie plays at 1200x real time. Scale bar, 20 µm. Observations
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February 2019