Figure 1. Timelapse movie of plasma membrane. Timelapse movie of a live hiPS cell colony expressing the CAAX domain of K-Ras tagged with mTagRFP-T. Cells were imaged in 3D on a spinning-disk confocal microscope every 5 min. Panels show the same colony at different z-positions. Left) The bottom z-section of the cells. Middle) A maximum intensity projection through the middle 5 z-sections of the cells. Right) A maximum intensity projection through the top 12 z-sections of the cells. Frames in each panel were histogram matched to adjust for photobleaching. Movie plays at 1500x real time. Scale bar = 5 µm. Figure 2. Timelapse movie of plasma membrane. Timelapse movie of a live hiPS cells in an epithelial sheet containing both unedited cells (which remain unseen in black), and cells expressing the CAAX domain of K-Ras tagged with mTagRFP-T. Cells were imaged in 3D on a spinning-disk confocal microscope every 3 min; the top and bottom z-sections are shown pseudocolored in green and magenta, respectively. Movie plays at 1800x real time. Scale bar = 10 µm.
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February 2019